
Puzzle Zone

Flex your math muscles with these fun brainteasers!

By Jessica McKenna-Ratjen

The answer to an addition problem. It is the total amount when you add together two or more numbers or quantities.

Example: In the addition expression 2 + 3 = 5, 5 is the sum.

ANSWERS: Cole’s Coats: Yes, Cole is correct: (6 × $60) + (5 × $50) + (10 × $40) = $1,010; Icy Rounding: The path is 32, 14, 93, 71, 11, 64, 52; GATHERING FIREWOOD: FIONA cOULD CHOOSE LOGS B, C, E, F, AND G; PLENTY OF PRESENTS: All answers with correct calculations that total to the same sum in each row are valid.

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